Tuesday, January 31, 2012

and there's Kevin Bacon...

The radio is having a rather large impact on my random thoughts lately. Today I heard a comment about playing 6 degrees of seperation via twitter and that more often than not you will find that there are 6 degrees between you and another friend/aquaintance/family member/person you know. This got me thinking...has social media finally made it probable to always win a game of 6 degrees of speration?
Looking through my facebook "friends" it occured to me that this may not be so far off the mark. True I have been weeding out who is on my list, but still, I know an awful lot of people who know the same people who know the same people as someone else (doesn't that make your brian hurt).  And that may  not be a good thing.

Because all in all, if you look at it just because those 6 degrees are there does that mean you actually "know" the person on the other end? How many facebook "friends" or twitter followers does a person have that they only know in passing or sometimes not at all? Is social media really about being social, or does it just make us think we are being social?

This is getting too deep for me. I think I'll go back to trying to figure out if I can randomly get from me to Kevin Bacon in 6 degrees or less....

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