Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ooooooo shinny...

Had some trouble sleeping this weekend and spent the majority of it being sleep deprived (don't worry fans, I got some rest late today). However, I noticed that as I got more and more exhausted my sense of perception went up and I noticed details more so than I usually would. So this made me wonder if when you are inhibited in some way, could you possibly become better in some areas of your life?
Now this is not to be seen as me saying "Oh hey you should really go two (or more days) with lack of sleep..its amazing your senses are so heightend" or anything like that. This was just a random thought that occured to me as I picked up on little things that I might usually miss under usual circumstances. Maybe it's kinda like other forms of sensory depervation; they have dones studies that when you lose one of your senses, the other ones instictively work harder to make up for it. Could this be the case in terms of memory, sovling problems or things that aren't technically sense related too?

More than likely it was just nothing more than a random fluke. And who knows, maybe I'm not even awake right now, but sleeping and dreaming that I'm writting this. Then I'll wake up and have to work twice as hard to come up with something to write about.

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