Sunday, February 12, 2012

I keep flipping the switch but nothing happens...

Sorry no post yesterday. Been having a hard time putting my thoughts into words. I think its more because I'm having an over abundance of thoughts rather than not enough.  This in turn makes me wonder if the brain has an on/off switch when it comes to certain functions and if it is possible for that switch to be broken?
I'm fairly certain with the ammount of thoughts that have been running through my head lately that if that switch does exists in my brain it is definatly broken. And that is interesting concept in and of itself.  Because its not that I mind having a ton of thougths, it would just be nice to having them at least be finished thoughts or makes some sort of sense.

Maybe this is all a phase I'm going through, like a growth spurt. If so I need to get over it quick. I have other things on my plate that needs to get done.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is it really relevant?

In a period of reflection today I got to thinking about time. How some days go faster and some go slower or how time relates to your life.  I'm not trying to be deep or existential (forgiving the spelling) just it was something that I happened to think about in an quiet moment.
I think as you get older time in someways gets shorter. For example when you are little it seems to take forever for a birthday or holiday to come around year after year. Then as you get older the years seem to fly by. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I feel like last week was the Christmas season. When I was younger the month between the two seemed to last forever.

Also can you trick yourself in how fast or slow time goes? People always say a watched clock goes slower so if you want it to go faster you don't watch right? Maybe that Einstein guy really was on to something when he said time was relevant to life around us. It seems to affect more our lives more than we want sometimes.

Or maybe this is what happens when I have too much time on my hands and need to find more to do.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I can finally mix certain things together....

I got some chinese food recently and noticed that I was ok with mixed my main dish and rice and eating them together. Now most people may not see this as random but for someone who has spent most of life eating things a certain way or not eating things at all this makes me wonder: Have I reached a new stage in my life?
I know tastes can change but how often does it happen. There were things I used to eat all the time when I was little that if I tried to eat now I'm pretty sure bad things would happen. And I'm also finding that I'm more open to trying new foods. Does that mean I'm maturing?

And if me being able to eat different things and try things that I wouldn't five years ago, does that mean I will be able to do try/new things in other areas of my life? Is it a step towards something different or changes in the future?

Or am I just getting to that point that I realize i shouldn't be so damn picky and be open to new ideas and see what happens and try not to over think it.

Monday, February 6, 2012


As I sat down to start writting today I realized..holy crap...I didn't really have a random thought today. Which totally was blown by having the random thought about not having the random thought. (Any one else dizzy?) Now I don't think I didn't have any random thoughts at all, it just means I didn't really have any that really stuck or developed into anything more than a fleeting thought.

This got me to really wonder; is it possible to go a whole day with out thinking of something random? I'm not sure for me that would work. My mind goes a million miles a minute and new really stops for any rest. Not sure if that's normal but I guess it works for me. Maybe its just my coping mechanism for dealing with the everyday world.

Huh, so not having a random thought turned out into a pretty good post. :) Maybe I should just let the creative thoughts do what they do and worry about the out come later.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Insert Crazy Train referance here...

I was talking with a friend of mine today about my compulsion to repeatedly attempt something in my life even though I have yet to succeed at it and I remembered a defination I once heard (though it is not a literal Webster's defination). Insanity- the act of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different out come. And this got me to thinking: if you go by this defination isn't everyone insane on some level?
I'm not talking rubber room, straight jacket, need a pill to go night night insane. More like insane as in frustration and feeling like everything just repeats day in and day out with no change. I mean most people repeat at least one thing in their daily lives hoping for a change in outcome whether they realize it or not. It's kind of like being that hamster in cage running on the wheel, we keep running even though we're going nowhere.

Now does this mean all hope is lost? No. I think the very "insanity" that we put up with everyday is what gives us the drive and passion to make the best out of life we can. Perhaps that insanity is what actually keeps us sane. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of beating my head against the wall day in and day out. Maybe tomorrow I'll find a different section of wall to bang against.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

the fact that I can't spell makes it so much worse...

Sorry for no new update yesterday. I was under the weather and in fact still am....yet, as much as I know I need to sleep and rest and heal I'm finding it rather difficult which makes me wonder: Am I incapable of relaxation period?

Now this is an idea I've tossed around time to time but usually I can attribute my not being able to relax to stress, being busy, etc. But today, with an epic ammount of snow on the ground and continuing to fall and the fact that I should, in theory, be able to sit around and do nothing..I feel incredibly guilty and am now trying to find things to do so others don't think I'm lazy or a slacker.

Again I know this makes absolutely no sense what so ever. And I can't help but wonder if this means I physically and mentally lack the ability to relax. Could I have discovered a new medical mystery type thing? Or as usual am I just over thinking things? Or could the fact that I'm trying so hard to stay busy means that I'm randomly inventing things that aren't really there? Hmmmm what else can I add to my to do list today?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One day my boredom is gonna get me in trouble...

So here it is 8 pm at night and after talking with a good friend of mine for about the last hour about random nonsense...I have discovered that boredom + internet + good friends = random website discovery...
Now sure most of what I look at on the interent from day is the same. But sometimes my boredom takes over and I discovery new sites and learn new things. However, add a friend into the mix and the stuff that comes up in my search bar is definatly not my usual findings. So does this mean that my friends are telling me to go look at something different or are they inspiring the thought to go look at something different?

This also sort of links back to how you can tell how good of a friend some one is by what the two of you converse about. I feel like this theory expands even more when your friend is inspiring you to search for random things on the interent. And you know what? I kinda like this new random element to my life...because with out it..I'd just be really bored.....and that could lead to trouble :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oooooo shinny....

My job requires me to be able to switch from one task to another quickly and back again...which could mean I am good or multitasking..or as I wondered today as I founding myself switching tasks without a real reason, could also mean I am easily distracted.
I do realize that sometimes at work you need to switch tasks to essentially stay on task and avoid mistakes/errors. (Fresh eyes and all that). But is there a point when it crosses from multitasking to being distracted? It's not necessarily a bad thing especially if it means getting work done and done correctly. Yet, how do you stay right on the line and not cross over?

And this in itself raises another question: how do you determine if one easily distracted or has what they call "ADD"? But if I go too much deeper into that I'm rasising a whole another issue. And I don't like to get preachy here. Maybe I'll continue my multitasking of writing, watching a dvd, conversing with a friend and playing a video game. That seems like a lot more fun..and opens the door for more random ideas...