I was talking with a friend of mine today about my compulsion to repeatedly attempt something in my life even though I have yet to succeed at it and I remembered a defination I once heard (though it is not a literal Webster's defination). Insanity- the act of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different out come. And this got me to thinking: if you go by this defination isn't everyone insane on some level?
I'm not talking rubber room, straight jacket, need a pill to go night night insane. More like insane as in frustration and feeling like everything just repeats day in and day out with no change. I mean most people repeat at least one thing in their daily lives hoping for a change in outcome whether they realize it or not. It's kind of like being that hamster in cage running on the wheel, we keep running even though we're going nowhere.
Now does this mean all hope is lost? No. I think the very "insanity" that we put up with everyday is what gives us the drive and passion to make the best out of life we can. Perhaps that insanity is what actually keeps us sane. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of beating my head against the wall day in and day out. Maybe tomorrow I'll find a different section of wall to bang against.
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