Friday, January 27, 2012

Before I become to type to drunk...

After an night out with the girls and going to see One for the Money, I came home, poured myself a adult beverage and began debating the merits of Ranger vs Morelli (if you don't know what I'm talking about you should read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich or just google Ranger, Morelli, or Stephanie Plum) and this thought crossed my mind as it probably has any female (or male) for that reads: Why do guys (or girls) in books seem so much better?
Now I know people will say "well that's because as a writer an author can pick only the best qualties of the oppposite sex" blah blah blah...I understand that. But these ideals had to come from somewhere right? I mean to some extent every character in a book has at least one quality, no matter how small, that has come from a living breathing person. So is it really that hard to find someone with all the good qualities (and a few of the bad)? Because let's face it, you need the bad to balance the good otherwise it's like eating candy all the time. It's bound to make you vomit.

But after a good night out, perhaps I will just silently toast the boys with my drink and have a few random daydreams before calling it a night. After all, a girl needs to keep her imagination active right?

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