Monday, January 9, 2012

Pass the pickles and peanut butter

Making dinner tonight, I started to wonder about who decided that certain food combinations should just go together. You know, pb&j, mac/cheese and hot dogs, chicken and waffles, etc. I mean, did these combinations come out of a happy accident? (Like a guy walking around with a open face peanut butter sandwich ran into a guy with an open face jelly sandwich?) Or did someone take two of their favorite foods and put them together?

As I pondered different combintations, I also gave thought to the fact that there is a great possiblity that many of them came out of late night drunken cravings. Or how certain things have be combined together out of sterotypes (peanut butter and pickles for the mom to be).  I mean, seriously, how many foods are mentioned because that is what you always here when a certain type of group or person is brought up?

Also, how many combinations have just been lost to the ages because they didn't catch on at the time or someone was too out of it to pass along an amazing idea? Will they, like most things in history, eventually repeat themselves?

Hmmmm...all this pondering has just left me hungry. Perhaps I'll go randomly pair up somethings in my fridge.

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