Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life immitates art? Or the other way around?

Driving home today I passed a high school and saw a football kicker dilligently practicing place kicks into the up rights. Now this was about 5:30 at night which, here in the midwest during the winter, means it's getting dark. So as I waited for the light to turn green, I thought "I've seen this before. In every 'feel good' sports movie. The kid who barely makes the team practices his heart out day and night and in the end it pays off and he wins the big game." Then the idea struck me; did the art of movies get this story from real life or did real life get the inspiration from the art of the movies?

I know this is a sort of like "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" but it seems to be more than that. How many people say "oh I wish my life was like this movie/book/story"? And how many authors/script writers say they get their ideas from what has happened to them in real life? I know there are times I feel like my life mirrors a story line in my favorite book series.

Then I pull up to the next light and realize it probably is all a vicious cycle. Ideas breed ideas and they say immitation is the greatest form of flattery..though I know I will still randomly wonder who is immitating who.

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