Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The line...we're getting dangerously close

Ok, I usually try very hard not to get political in my day to day life and especially not on this blog, but if you are a reader of my blog please forgive me for not posting a "typical" random thought and allow me to say one thing:

Political censorship of the interent is not the same as cutting down on internet piracy. Please do not be fooled by Congress who say it is. Political censorship is a way of making sure the government can keep tabs on what its public is doing. If you have ever read the book 1984 you can see where I am going with this.

Please let your Congressman/woman know that even if they are agains internet piracy, that censorship is not the answer. If they truely want to protect American freedoms and ideas, then let the internet continue to grow. As anyone who has children or worked with children knows: if you limit a child, you limit their growth and creativity.

I apologize for this not being a radom thought today. However, if this censorship law passes, there won't be anymore more random thoughts...from anyone.

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