Saturday, January 21, 2012

Excues me while I change costumes

Today as I was doing my usual routine of cleaning and laundry I debate trying to go out and doing something spontaneous. This in turn brought up how people will make the comment "Well that was completely out of character for him/her" when something drastic or spontaneous does happen in a person's life. And this lead me to wonder: How does one determine what is out of character for another person?

Now to me character is a two fold meaning; the character of a person (morals, how they act, their temperment) or a person in a show/play/movie. So the first thing I think of is something switching costumes mid show and coming out as literally a different character. Now I know that's not what people ment, but is it really all that far off the map? Because when someone does something "out of character" doesn't that mean that he or she has generally switched things up on those around them, almost to a state of confusion or bewilderment?

And truthfully, who knows who anyone really is anyway? Maybe real life kinda is like a show with costume changes. You do what fits the scene and then through in a random change just to keep the audience interested.

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