Monday, January 30, 2012

Did it hurt?

I was driving home for work today when I heard a radio add for a dating site talking about pick up lines. As I groaned at how terrible most of them were, a tought crossed my mind: Has anyone ever used pick up line or had one used on them, or are they an invention of Hollywood and passed around as inside jokes?
Now I did work as a bartender for a time and not once did I ever here a pick up line like the ones I heard on the radio. And most of the ones I've heard passed around between me and my friends are so outrageous I can't believe they have been used in anything other than movies and tv shows. Yet they had to come from somewhere. Maybe Hollywood writers are the only ones who have ever had the pleasure of dealing with them so then they move to Hollywood and write about this akward encounter and make millions of dollars.

Personally, I think I'd like to have a pickup line used on me just once. I am curious to know how I would react. My money is on me just bursting out laughing randomly and possibly falling out of my chair. And then I would pat the poor guy on the shoulder and tell him he'd have better luck picking up a random inanimate object than usuing a pick up line on me.

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