Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cause I'm pretty sure there is more than one of me running around in here...

So waiting for my lunch today and looking around I began to think about who my fellow dinners could possible be (since I didn't know any of them). And then I got to thinking about who they might think I am and the thought occured to me: If I wasn't me...who would I be?

Now sure, we all play that game at some point in our lives, wondering if we'd be a different person if we had made a different choice or grown up a different way. And depending on what side of the research table you are on you might believe how you turned out or who you became is a result of how you were raised (nuture) or your genics (nature). I'm pretty sure I'm laying across the middle of the table with one foot firmly in each camp. It takes two halves to make a whole you know.

However, my real random thought was what if at one point in time I was someone different, as in a famous historical person or just a person from the past in general. What if I am a reincarnation of someone and just can't recall the details? Would I have had the same personallity that I do today? Or if reincarnation really works, do you get a new set of instructions each time?

You know, if I was a reincarnation..that sure might explain some of the random voices that speak up in my head now and again =)  (Don't worry, it's a joke...maybe =P )

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