Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Let me put this on my resume....

In a discussion today with someone about my "skills" in theatre, I got to pondering...are the random skills that I have (observing little details, memorizing movie lines/song lyrics quickly, being able to store random facts in my brain) actually useful in everyday life?
Now think about it; how many times have you or someone you know taken a random skill that you have and spun it on your resume to make it look like your are qualified in the eyes of a potential employer? I know I have. But if you think about it, it might actually be true. Being able to memorize something quickly= able to learn quickly, observing and recalling detail= pays close attention to work, etc. I'm sure most odd/quirky skills could be turned into something job related.

So does this mean that "experience" needed doesn't always apply? I know you would need some experiance to be, you know a heart surgeon, but for a call center or data entry? Perhaps maybe all a person needs to do is just figure out how to really sell their random skills and maybe they wouldn't need "experience" at all.

Either way, I still need to find a way to creatively word "randomly bursts into show tunes" on my resume so in case I need a new job my future employer would see that as a highly needed skill.

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