Friday, January 6, 2012

Have I found Neverland?

While having lunch today and taking about my past/future with my lunchmates, I gave thougth to the fact that, even though my birthday is coming up, I don't feel my actual age. In fact, I don't think I ever have.

Granted, I'm an "adult", living on my own, above the legal age dictated by the government but at times I still feel like I'm a college or high school student, that soon summer break will be here and I will have to go home to my parents for three months. It just doesn't seem like I've gown up.

I'm sure everyone has had this thought before, that he or she feels younger (or older) than they are. But you grow out of it eventually, don't you? And then there is the flip side, growing up I was always "acting older than my age" playing the responsible role instead of the care free child. It is almost odd that I seem to be living my age backwards, kind like Benjamin Button but without the outword appearance changes.

This brought up another thought: Are you only as old as your mind percieves you? Is age really a state of mind, or a state of what society says or the actual days you've been on this plant? Because there is definatly days my mind says that I'm older or younger or my "actual" age.

But for today I will as someone once told me: "Just because I grow old, doesn't mean I have to grow up." Tomorrow is another story....

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