Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let me just put on these socks...

So listening to a sports station on a car trip this weekend and hearing about the Broncos losing, I got to thinking...are games won because of the players skill or is it just a luck of the draw?

Granted, I played sprots in high school I know there is something to be said for hard work and practice and good plays and talented players, but I also remember the "rituals" of having to listen to a certain song before a game or wearing your hair a certain way or eating a certain food. Even pros have there things they do because it "gives them good luck".

So where is the line where winning a game comes not so much from skill but from just a lucky break? And if alternate universe exists is the out come different? You could have the talent in the world but injuries, calls not going your way or just things not lining up can all ruin your chance at winning.

In a way its almost like gambling...a random draw of a card, a random throw of the dice, a random play in a game can switch the outcome from one of skill to one of pure, frustrating, random luck.

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