Saturday, January 7, 2012

Brains vs Athletics; Sibling vs Sibling

Out and about today with my family when it came up in conversation that I got the brains and my sister has the athletic talent. Now I know I have said this time and time again in a joking manner and by no means is my sister dumb, but today I actually let this idea flow into a random thought.

Does nature split up talents in a gene pool? Does it always follow that one sibling will be more athletic than the others, or smarter, or more artistic? Not saying that the others won't have those skills but does genetics predetermine that one be just a little bit better than the other(s)?

This in turn lead me to think about nature vs survival when it comes to family. Does a family with lots of kids turn out kids who have better survial skils because they have to think on their feet to make sure they get the best room, or the first crack at the hot water?

And what about a kid who has no siblings? Do they by default have average skills or better than average or lower?

Then I realize that my random thoughts are making something more complicated than it needs be and that the comment made was just for a laugh and that all skills all learned...some just learn better than others.

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