Sunday, February 12, 2012

I keep flipping the switch but nothing happens...

Sorry no post yesterday. Been having a hard time putting my thoughts into words. I think its more because I'm having an over abundance of thoughts rather than not enough.  This in turn makes me wonder if the brain has an on/off switch when it comes to certain functions and if it is possible for that switch to be broken?
I'm fairly certain with the ammount of thoughts that have been running through my head lately that if that switch does exists in my brain it is definatly broken. And that is interesting concept in and of itself.  Because its not that I mind having a ton of thougths, it would just be nice to having them at least be finished thoughts or makes some sort of sense.

Maybe this is all a phase I'm going through, like a growth spurt. If so I need to get over it quick. I have other things on my plate that needs to get done.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is it really relevant?

In a period of reflection today I got to thinking about time. How some days go faster and some go slower or how time relates to your life.  I'm not trying to be deep or existential (forgiving the spelling) just it was something that I happened to think about in an quiet moment.
I think as you get older time in someways gets shorter. For example when you are little it seems to take forever for a birthday or holiday to come around year after year. Then as you get older the years seem to fly by. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I feel like last week was the Christmas season. When I was younger the month between the two seemed to last forever.

Also can you trick yourself in how fast or slow time goes? People always say a watched clock goes slower so if you want it to go faster you don't watch right? Maybe that Einstein guy really was on to something when he said time was relevant to life around us. It seems to affect more our lives more than we want sometimes.

Or maybe this is what happens when I have too much time on my hands and need to find more to do.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I can finally mix certain things together....

I got some chinese food recently and noticed that I was ok with mixed my main dish and rice and eating them together. Now most people may not see this as random but for someone who has spent most of life eating things a certain way or not eating things at all this makes me wonder: Have I reached a new stage in my life?
I know tastes can change but how often does it happen. There were things I used to eat all the time when I was little that if I tried to eat now I'm pretty sure bad things would happen. And I'm also finding that I'm more open to trying new foods. Does that mean I'm maturing?

And if me being able to eat different things and try things that I wouldn't five years ago, does that mean I will be able to do try/new things in other areas of my life? Is it a step towards something different or changes in the future?

Or am I just getting to that point that I realize i shouldn't be so damn picky and be open to new ideas and see what happens and try not to over think it.

Monday, February 6, 2012


As I sat down to start writting today I realized..holy crap...I didn't really have a random thought today. Which totally was blown by having the random thought about not having the random thought. (Any one else dizzy?) Now I don't think I didn't have any random thoughts at all, it just means I didn't really have any that really stuck or developed into anything more than a fleeting thought.

This got me to really wonder; is it possible to go a whole day with out thinking of something random? I'm not sure for me that would work. My mind goes a million miles a minute and new really stops for any rest. Not sure if that's normal but I guess it works for me. Maybe its just my coping mechanism for dealing with the everyday world.

Huh, so not having a random thought turned out into a pretty good post. :) Maybe I should just let the creative thoughts do what they do and worry about the out come later.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Insert Crazy Train referance here...

I was talking with a friend of mine today about my compulsion to repeatedly attempt something in my life even though I have yet to succeed at it and I remembered a defination I once heard (though it is not a literal Webster's defination). Insanity- the act of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different out come. And this got me to thinking: if you go by this defination isn't everyone insane on some level?
I'm not talking rubber room, straight jacket, need a pill to go night night insane. More like insane as in frustration and feeling like everything just repeats day in and day out with no change. I mean most people repeat at least one thing in their daily lives hoping for a change in outcome whether they realize it or not. It's kind of like being that hamster in cage running on the wheel, we keep running even though we're going nowhere.

Now does this mean all hope is lost? No. I think the very "insanity" that we put up with everyday is what gives us the drive and passion to make the best out of life we can. Perhaps that insanity is what actually keeps us sane. Or perhaps I'm just a fan of beating my head against the wall day in and day out. Maybe tomorrow I'll find a different section of wall to bang against.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

the fact that I can't spell makes it so much worse...

Sorry for no new update yesterday. I was under the weather and in fact still am....yet, as much as I know I need to sleep and rest and heal I'm finding it rather difficult which makes me wonder: Am I incapable of relaxation period?

Now this is an idea I've tossed around time to time but usually I can attribute my not being able to relax to stress, being busy, etc. But today, with an epic ammount of snow on the ground and continuing to fall and the fact that I should, in theory, be able to sit around and do nothing..I feel incredibly guilty and am now trying to find things to do so others don't think I'm lazy or a slacker.

Again I know this makes absolutely no sense what so ever. And I can't help but wonder if this means I physically and mentally lack the ability to relax. Could I have discovered a new medical mystery type thing? Or as usual am I just over thinking things? Or could the fact that I'm trying so hard to stay busy means that I'm randomly inventing things that aren't really there? Hmmmm what else can I add to my to do list today?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One day my boredom is gonna get me in trouble...

So here it is 8 pm at night and after talking with a good friend of mine for about the last hour about random nonsense...I have discovered that boredom + internet + good friends = random website discovery...
Now sure most of what I look at on the interent from day is the same. But sometimes my boredom takes over and I discovery new sites and learn new things. However, add a friend into the mix and the stuff that comes up in my search bar is definatly not my usual findings. So does this mean that my friends are telling me to go look at something different or are they inspiring the thought to go look at something different?

This also sort of links back to how you can tell how good of a friend some one is by what the two of you converse about. I feel like this theory expands even more when your friend is inspiring you to search for random things on the interent. And you know what? I kinda like this new random element to my life...because with out it..I'd just be really bored.....and that could lead to trouble :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oooooo shinny....

My job requires me to be able to switch from one task to another quickly and back again...which could mean I am good or multitasking..or as I wondered today as I founding myself switching tasks without a real reason, could also mean I am easily distracted.
I do realize that sometimes at work you need to switch tasks to essentially stay on task and avoid mistakes/errors. (Fresh eyes and all that). But is there a point when it crosses from multitasking to being distracted? It's not necessarily a bad thing especially if it means getting work done and done correctly. Yet, how do you stay right on the line and not cross over?

And this in itself raises another question: how do you determine if one easily distracted or has what they call "ADD"? But if I go too much deeper into that I'm rasising a whole another issue. And I don't like to get preachy here. Maybe I'll continue my multitasking of writing, watching a dvd, conversing with a friend and playing a video game. That seems like a lot more fun..and opens the door for more random ideas...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

and there's Kevin Bacon...

The radio is having a rather large impact on my random thoughts lately. Today I heard a comment about playing 6 degrees of seperation via twitter and that more often than not you will find that there are 6 degrees between you and another friend/aquaintance/family member/person you know. This got me thinking...has social media finally made it probable to always win a game of 6 degrees of speration?
Looking through my facebook "friends" it occured to me that this may not be so far off the mark. True I have been weeding out who is on my list, but still, I know an awful lot of people who know the same people who know the same people as someone else (doesn't that make your brian hurt).  And that may  not be a good thing.

Because all in all, if you look at it just because those 6 degrees are there does that mean you actually "know" the person on the other end? How many facebook "friends" or twitter followers does a person have that they only know in passing or sometimes not at all? Is social media really about being social, or does it just make us think we are being social?

This is getting too deep for me. I think I'll go back to trying to figure out if I can randomly get from me to Kevin Bacon in 6 degrees or less....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Did it hurt?

I was driving home for work today when I heard a radio add for a dating site talking about pick up lines. As I groaned at how terrible most of them were, a tought crossed my mind: Has anyone ever used pick up line or had one used on them, or are they an invention of Hollywood and passed around as inside jokes?
Now I did work as a bartender for a time and not once did I ever here a pick up line like the ones I heard on the radio. And most of the ones I've heard passed around between me and my friends are so outrageous I can't believe they have been used in anything other than movies and tv shows. Yet they had to come from somewhere. Maybe Hollywood writers are the only ones who have ever had the pleasure of dealing with them so then they move to Hollywood and write about this akward encounter and make millions of dollars.

Personally, I think I'd like to have a pickup line used on me just once. I am curious to know how I would react. My money is on me just bursting out laughing randomly and possibly falling out of my chair. And then I would pat the poor guy on the shoulder and tell him he'd have better luck picking up a random inanimate object than usuing a pick up line on me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ooooooo shinny...

Had some trouble sleeping this weekend and spent the majority of it being sleep deprived (don't worry fans, I got some rest late today). However, I noticed that as I got more and more exhausted my sense of perception went up and I noticed details more so than I usually would. So this made me wonder if when you are inhibited in some way, could you possibly become better in some areas of your life?
Now this is not to be seen as me saying "Oh hey you should really go two (or more days) with lack of sleep..its amazing your senses are so heightend" or anything like that. This was just a random thought that occured to me as I picked up on little things that I might usually miss under usual circumstances. Maybe it's kinda like other forms of sensory depervation; they have dones studies that when you lose one of your senses, the other ones instictively work harder to make up for it. Could this be the case in terms of memory, sovling problems or things that aren't technically sense related too?

More than likely it was just nothing more than a random fluke. And who knows, maybe I'm not even awake right now, but sleeping and dreaming that I'm writting this. Then I'll wake up and have to work twice as hard to come up with something to write about.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Because all my random facts have a point one weekend a year...

It's Trivia Weekend! My alma matter hosts a trivia contest one weekend a year and it is acutually quite famous. But it makes me put a smile on my face because it was nice to that my random facts/knowledge do have a place in the world once a year.
This also made me ponder who came up with this idea in the first place. This trivia contasts literally goes from Friday nite to Sunday nite and does not sleep. (Another reason it worked well for me, because seriously who needs sleep). Also does this possibly explain my love of random knowledge? I mean before college, true I was able to store and recall facts, but after college this skill has definatly become more honed (I think that's how you spell it).

Another random question: Was the creation of this trivia contest a result of what some people would call ADD or over active imaginations? Or was it just a lucky stroke of brillance that grew a following and is now a great way to spend a weekend in January?

All I know is that I'm still waiting for the day when they ask what the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything" is.....granted most everyone will get it, but would still make me smile.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Before I become to type to drunk...

After an night out with the girls and going to see One for the Money, I came home, poured myself a adult beverage and began debating the merits of Ranger vs Morelli (if you don't know what I'm talking about you should read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich or just google Ranger, Morelli, or Stephanie Plum) and this thought crossed my mind as it probably has any female (or male) for that reads: Why do guys (or girls) in books seem so much better?
Now I know people will say "well that's because as a writer an author can pick only the best qualties of the oppposite sex" blah blah blah...I understand that. But these ideals had to come from somewhere right? I mean to some extent every character in a book has at least one quality, no matter how small, that has come from a living breathing person. So is it really that hard to find someone with all the good qualities (and a few of the bad)? Because let's face it, you need the bad to balance the good otherwise it's like eating candy all the time. It's bound to make you vomit.

But after a good night out, perhaps I will just silently toast the boys with my drink and have a few random daydreams before calling it a night. After all, a girl needs to keep her imagination active right?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

From point a to point b to point..l?

During a conversation with one of my very good friends tonight about a topic that I would be hard pressed to bring up with few, if any, of my other friends I realized that I had found a new way to measure friendship. You can tell how long/how good of friends you are with someone by the topic of conversation you are having.
Now I'm not going to reveal what we were talking about; after all you as my audience don't have the same relationship as my friend and I have, but I think every person could judge any of their friendships this way. I'm sure that every person who is reading this right now can think of one conversation he/she would have with one friend but not another.

But this brings up an other question. How long before one can start having a conversation about a certain topic with a certain friend? And does it vary depending on the age or sex of the friend? Is there some type of system to this or does each person have his or her own timeline? Can a friend's response move then up or down a "level" of friendship?

Hmmm...perhaps I should go ask one of my friends some competely random questions and see if they are ready for the next level of our friendship....

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Let me put this on my resume....

In a discussion today with someone about my "skills" in theatre, I got to pondering...are the random skills that I have (observing little details, memorizing movie lines/song lyrics quickly, being able to store random facts in my brain) actually useful in everyday life?
Now think about it; how many times have you or someone you know taken a random skill that you have and spun it on your resume to make it look like your are qualified in the eyes of a potential employer? I know I have. But if you think about it, it might actually be true. Being able to memorize something quickly= able to learn quickly, observing and recalling detail= pays close attention to work, etc. I'm sure most odd/quirky skills could be turned into something job related.

So does this mean that "experience" needed doesn't always apply? I know you would need some experiance to be, you know a heart surgeon, but for a call center or data entry? Perhaps maybe all a person needs to do is just figure out how to really sell their random skills and maybe they wouldn't need "experience" at all.

Either way, I still need to find a way to creatively word "randomly bursts into show tunes" on my resume so in case I need a new job my future employer would see that as a highly needed skill.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maybe if I squeeze under this rock...

First of all apologies for no posts the last two days. Was having issues with the computer but now I'm back. And after going a few days with out a computer I started to wonder: in this day and age of Facebook/Twitter/Social Media websites would it even be possible to disappear?

Now I know it is literally possible to disappear you hear the horrible stories all the time on the news but for the most part just to drop off the grid for a few days for some alone time, is it even possible anymore? Someone is always calling/texting/im'ing you wondering if you are ok or if you are around.

Somedays I think it it would be nice to vanish for a few hours. To just lock out technology and the world and just completely loose myself in something not plugged in.

Oh, hang on the phone is ringing me. Wonder what random conversation this will be....

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Excues me while I change costumes

Today as I was doing my usual routine of cleaning and laundry I debate trying to go out and doing something spontaneous. This in turn brought up how people will make the comment "Well that was completely out of character for him/her" when something drastic or spontaneous does happen in a person's life. And this lead me to wonder: How does one determine what is out of character for another person?

Now to me character is a two fold meaning; the character of a person (morals, how they act, their temperment) or a person in a show/play/movie. So the first thing I think of is something switching costumes mid show and coming out as literally a different character. Now I know that's not what people ment, but is it really all that far off the map? Because when someone does something "out of character" doesn't that mean that he or she has generally switched things up on those around them, almost to a state of confusion or bewilderment?

And truthfully, who knows who anyone really is anyway? Maybe real life kinda is like a show with costume changes. You do what fits the scene and then through in a random change just to keep the audience interested.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Check back in a month...

I started writting this blog as a New Year's resolution and a brain exercise to keep my mind active and moving. However, as I near a month of writing, I wonder if what they say is true: if you work on it for 30 days can you break a bad habit or start a good one?

I have tested this theory before and thought I had broken a bad habit by going 30 days without giving in to temptation but now I feel myself slipping back into an old pattern. So does this mean I need to go another 30 days? Will another 30 days of going without temptation reinforce what I tried to the first time?

And is the reverse true; if I keep working on this blog and a few other things I started at the beginning of the year will I stick with it and get better at it as I go? Is it sort of the same as positive reinforcement? Better than electroshock therapy and more effective than a squirt from a water bottle: it's self control and discipline.

Ouch; that got a little too preachy. Check back in a month, maybe by then my random thoughts will have turned into something worth reading.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cause I'm pretty sure there is more than one of me running around in here...

So waiting for my lunch today and looking around I began to think about who my fellow dinners could possible be (since I didn't know any of them). And then I got to thinking about who they might think I am and the thought occured to me: If I wasn't me...who would I be?

Now sure, we all play that game at some point in our lives, wondering if we'd be a different person if we had made a different choice or grown up a different way. And depending on what side of the research table you are on you might believe how you turned out or who you became is a result of how you were raised (nuture) or your genics (nature). I'm pretty sure I'm laying across the middle of the table with one foot firmly in each camp. It takes two halves to make a whole you know.

However, my real random thought was what if at one point in time I was someone different, as in a famous historical person or just a person from the past in general. What if I am a reincarnation of someone and just can't recall the details? Would I have had the same personallity that I do today? Or if reincarnation really works, do you get a new set of instructions each time?

You know, if I was a reincarnation..that sure might explain some of the random voices that speak up in my head now and again =)  (Don't worry, it's a joke...maybe =P )

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The line...we're getting dangerously close

Ok, I usually try very hard not to get political in my day to day life and especially not on this blog, but if you are a reader of my blog please forgive me for not posting a "typical" random thought and allow me to say one thing:

Political censorship of the interent is not the same as cutting down on internet piracy. Please do not be fooled by Congress who say it is. Political censorship is a way of making sure the government can keep tabs on what its public is doing. If you have ever read the book 1984 you can see where I am going with this.

Please let your Congressman/woman know that even if they are agains internet piracy, that censorship is not the answer. If they truely want to protect American freedoms and ideas, then let the internet continue to grow. As anyone who has children or worked with children knows: if you limit a child, you limit their growth and creativity.

I apologize for this not being a radom thought today. However, if this censorship law passes, there won't be anymore more random thoughts...from anyone.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Next on CSI Where Ever The Hell You Are....

Been watching some reruns of CSI Vegas lately and today while fiddling around with my phone and trying to leave a clear readable print on the screen of my phone this thought crossed my mind: In the course of a day how much trace evidence does one person leave behind?

Think about it. Even when someone attempts to plan a crime down to the most minute detail evidence still gets left behind; whenever one item affects another there is some form of a trail/evidence that the two impacted. And that's when one is being careful...

So that brought up another thought: everyone wants to reduce their impact on the earth but is that really possible? If the laws of physics are correct, ever action one takes, no matter how big or small, another equal reaction will happen. Technically even a person dieing would have an impact.

Or maybe it's all a void point since the world is ending in December. In the mean time, get me some finger print powder. I'm gonna make random animal drawings with my prints.

Monday, January 16, 2012

And stay off my lawn too!

Today my boss was discribing watching her two year old granddaughter examine some new handmedown toys. She was amazed that the first thing the little girl did was look for a button that made noise or an on switch to make the toy work..and this got me to thinking: has technology made kids smarter (a two year old knowing the basics of how to make a toy work) or is it taking away their imagination (they have to rely on batteries to have fun?)

Keep in mind, when I was growing up computers were just becoming the new thing and there were already parent activist groups complaining that tv and game systems were rotting our brains and making us fat, so is the idea that electronic toys killing imaginations that far of a stretch or just the next logical step that follows brain rot and getting huge? Or since a child has to figure out how something works, or how to get a toy to make a noise again does it mean that this new generation of toys is helping or hindering? I'm sure there are studies supporting both sides but maybe it really is a case by case basis. Maybe it really has to do on how the parent interracts with the child and toy.

Or  maybe I am starting to just get old? I'm probably going to start telling long random stories with no point and tell everyone how in my day I walked to school in the snow uphill both ways. Now hand me my cane so I can shake it angrily at those young people and their loud hip hop music.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let me just put on these socks...

So listening to a sports station on a car trip this weekend and hearing about the Broncos losing, I got to thinking...are games won because of the players skill or is it just a luck of the draw?

Granted, I played sprots in high school I know there is something to be said for hard work and practice and good plays and talented players, but I also remember the "rituals" of having to listen to a certain song before a game or wearing your hair a certain way or eating a certain food. Even pros have there things they do because it "gives them good luck".

So where is the line where winning a game comes not so much from skill but from just a lucky break? And if alternate universe exists is the out come different? You could have the talent in the world but injuries, calls not going your way or just things not lining up can all ruin your chance at winning.

In a way its almost like gambling...a random draw of a card, a random throw of the dice, a random play in a game can switch the outcome from one of skill to one of pure, frustrating, random luck.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stop the spin cycle, I'm getting dizzy

So re-reading some of my posts today, not only was I grimmacing at all the spelling errors (news flash kids, I'm a terrible don't hold it against me kthxbai) but I realized that the a lot of them seem to be concerned with how one's brain works or what exactly causes a thought.

That lead me to another random trail: do I think too much about thinking? Does anyone put this much thought into the patterns in their brain? Seriously, I  bet if you tried to hold a conversation about even half of my recent posts with someone they would probably respond with either "What the hell are you on?" or "Aren't you thinking about this too much?" Most people have a thought, process it and move on. They don't spend any ammount of time trying to dissect where the thought came from, what it means or what it could possibly mean.

But in the grand scheme of things, why we think what we think is kind of fascinating. Maybe I should have done more classes about how the brain works in college. Or maybe I should stop thinking in circles like this. The random patterns are starting to make me dizzy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Yes,'s exhausting thinking for myself...

In anticpation of a movie adaptation of one of my favorite books coming out in a few days, I got to thinking about movie critics and what their purpose actually is. Does a critic's review really make up a person's mind for them?
Now I'm not saying that there shouldn't be critics...just..maybe not for every little thing. Sure there are movies that are serious dramas or out there artsy that should have a review but for a comedic adaptation of a book? Or a kids movie? And has anyone ever seen a legit critic give a good review to something like "The Hangover", something that is clearly ment to be enjoyed not reviewed and have an intellectual discussion about?

Now I'm sure people could read my blog and say what I'm doing is being a critic of critics...but I'm not telling you "Oh critics are terrible, minus 3 stars". I'm just looking at it from another angle. How often do people do/not do something based on a review, instead of trying it for themselves? Has society as a whole turned into a flock of sheep who wait to be told what to do?

And now I realize this has turned from random thought into a rant....oh hey look a kitty!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thanks for the memories...I think...

At work today I heard a song on the radio that reminded me of someone one I went to high school and I thought "do I have memories of him because of this song? Or did song make a memory for me?"

Ok, I know that's not worded the best (hey I can't always get the thoughts out of my head) but bear with me. Do we have memories because of what has happened in the past and then things, like a song or smell remind us of them? Or do certain things, like a song or smell, create a memory for us? Do you smell cookies and think of your grandma because she always made cookies? Or does the smell of cookies create what could be consider a "false" memory, in that it just makes one think a of a certain time/place/person even if the stimuli was not present at the time?

I suppse it all comes down to how our brains are hardwired. Maybe it is different for each person. Maybe some actually do have a memory connected to a certain event while others create them to fit the occasion. Or maybe I'm reading way too deeply into something random that happened at work today that may or may not have triggered an acutal memory.....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I think I missed the mark...

I have often made the joke that I was born in the wrong time period; that perhaps I was better suited to living during the age of piracy or the roaring '20s.  However, today as I was lighting some candles, the thougth struck me again..but this time I gave it some serious consideration.

Is it possible that a person was born at the wrong time? You know how you can see someone and think they are out of place for this day and age? Maybe they just were born at the wrong time. Now some of this could come from the way they were raised or their culture or what have you, but speaking for myself I think there are certain time periods that I personally would have fit better into.

Now granted, I'm sure that if Iwas to some how time travel to another time period I'd definatly miss some of the comforts of my current century. Yet, I have always been fascinated by history books/stories of certain time periods. I constantly am wondering what it would be like; how would I solve problems of that time, how would I adapt? And alot of times I think I would fit right in, that maybe I'm not cut out to live in the here and now.

Perhaps, there is another explination; reincarnation...but that is another random thought all together....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life immitates art? Or the other way around?

Driving home today I passed a high school and saw a football kicker dilligently practicing place kicks into the up rights. Now this was about 5:30 at night which, here in the midwest during the winter, means it's getting dark. So as I waited for the light to turn green, I thought "I've seen this before. In every 'feel good' sports movie. The kid who barely makes the team practices his heart out day and night and in the end it pays off and he wins the big game." Then the idea struck me; did the art of movies get this story from real life or did real life get the inspiration from the art of the movies?

I know this is a sort of like "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" but it seems to be more than that. How many people say "oh I wish my life was like this movie/book/story"? And how many authors/script writers say they get their ideas from what has happened to them in real life? I know there are times I feel like my life mirrors a story line in my favorite book series.

Then I pull up to the next light and realize it probably is all a vicious cycle. Ideas breed ideas and they say immitation is the greatest form of flattery..though I know I will still randomly wonder who is immitating who.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pass the pickles and peanut butter

Making dinner tonight, I started to wonder about who decided that certain food combinations should just go together. You know, pb&j, mac/cheese and hot dogs, chicken and waffles, etc. I mean, did these combinations come out of a happy accident? (Like a guy walking around with a open face peanut butter sandwich ran into a guy with an open face jelly sandwich?) Or did someone take two of their favorite foods and put them together?

As I pondered different combintations, I also gave thought to the fact that there is a great possiblity that many of them came out of late night drunken cravings. Or how certain things have be combined together out of sterotypes (peanut butter and pickles for the mom to be).  I mean, seriously, how many foods are mentioned because that is what you always here when a certain type of group or person is brought up?

Also, how many combinations have just been lost to the ages because they didn't catch on at the time or someone was too out of it to pass along an amazing idea? Will they, like most things in history, eventually repeat themselves?

Hmmmm...all this pondering has just left me hungry. Perhaps I'll go randomly pair up somethings in my fridge.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Please, ignore me writing notes..

So I had to make a run to the store a little while ago and as I walked in I noticed a lady sitting in her car, clearly waiting for someone in the little street thing that passes in front of the door. Naturally I looked at the car and noted that there was someone in the vehicle and that she was just waiting. Nothing strange about that right?

Then when I came out again about 5-10 mintues later she was still sitting there. Now most normal people would think that whoever the lady was waiting for is taking longer than I did in the store. Me, on the otherhand, think any number of random things the first of which being "She's casing out the store for a robbery" or "She's a get away driver." And as I passed by her car a second time I start trying to remember little details about her car and her person.  What makes it all the more interesting is that this is not the first time I've done this.

Now granted, I notice details alot in my comings and goings through out the day, and I'm sure most people do. But I wonder how many people turn those details into a mental check list incase of a crime or something abnormal taking place? Or is it because of my noticing the details that my mind kicks in to overdrive and uses them to fuel what could be seen as an over active imagination? Maybe it's a sign of a good memory, since I can pull random details and information from my memory and wow (or bore) people with my knowledge/problem solving.

So as I drove away in my car, headed towards home,  I berated myself for not having a scribble pad near buy to write down my rememberings. However, I don't think that lady in the car. had I made notes in front of her, would see my random thoughts as anything less than weird.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Brains vs Athletics; Sibling vs Sibling

Out and about today with my family when it came up in conversation that I got the brains and my sister has the athletic talent. Now I know I have said this time and time again in a joking manner and by no means is my sister dumb, but today I actually let this idea flow into a random thought.

Does nature split up talents in a gene pool? Does it always follow that one sibling will be more athletic than the others, or smarter, or more artistic? Not saying that the others won't have those skills but does genetics predetermine that one be just a little bit better than the other(s)?

This in turn lead me to think about nature vs survival when it comes to family. Does a family with lots of kids turn out kids who have better survial skils because they have to think on their feet to make sure they get the best room, or the first crack at the hot water?

And what about a kid who has no siblings? Do they by default have average skills or better than average or lower?

Then I realize that my random thoughts are making something more complicated than it needs be and that the comment made was just for a laugh and that all skills all learned...some just learn better than others.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Have I found Neverland?

While having lunch today and taking about my past/future with my lunchmates, I gave thougth to the fact that, even though my birthday is coming up, I don't feel my actual age. In fact, I don't think I ever have.

Granted, I'm an "adult", living on my own, above the legal age dictated by the government but at times I still feel like I'm a college or high school student, that soon summer break will be here and I will have to go home to my parents for three months. It just doesn't seem like I've gown up.

I'm sure everyone has had this thought before, that he or she feels younger (or older) than they are. But you grow out of it eventually, don't you? And then there is the flip side, growing up I was always "acting older than my age" playing the responsible role instead of the care free child. It is almost odd that I seem to be living my age backwards, kind like Benjamin Button but without the outword appearance changes.

This brought up another thought: Are you only as old as your mind percieves you? Is age really a state of mind, or a state of what society says or the actual days you've been on this plant? Because there is definatly days my mind says that I'm older or younger or my "actual" age.

But for today I will as someone once told me: "Just because I grow old, doesn't mean I have to grow up." Tomorrow is another story....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Smart or Nosey?

So at work today I figured out a problem with the printer in my area and a co-worker said "Wow, you're so smart." To which my response was "Acutally I just like to know what is causing the problem, so I think that just make me nosey."

As I sat back down at my desk and went back work, my active mind focused on the work at hand but my subconscious took another look at my comment. If you really look at it, isn't learning a by-product of being nosey? People make discoveries and create inventions and solve problems by becoming curious about what is going on around them or why something doesn't work or why it is the way it is. And essentially isn't curiousity similar to being nosey? You want to know why, you are poking and proding and putting your nose in a place it doesn't normally go.

So does that mean that smart people are by default nosey? Or when it comes to education and "smarts" does being nosey suddenly turn into something that is more socially acceptable or "pc?" What would happen if a child told a parent "I'm not nosey, I'm learning" ? Possibly how the public views education and what is "correct" social behavoir would totally change.

And then a phone rings and I realize perhaps I should be nosey about that....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sirracha...the new ranch dressing?

So as I prepared a salad for my dinner tonight and was using ranch dressing for the topping I got a flash back to high school where we put ranch on everything: pizza, tater tots, fries, grilled cheese, and some times salad (I'm sure that there was more but I can't think of them). Even myself I some times put ranch on ramen noodles.

This lead me down another thought path, foodie (not really) that I am. As of late, most articles I'm reading say that what is stylish in food or what chefs are craving/putting on everything is Sirracha. Something I've never tried.

For those of you who don't know this is how the makers of Sirracha discribe their product:
                  "Sriracha is made from sun ripen chilies which are ground into a smooth paste along with garlic and packaged in a convenient squeeze bottle. It is excellent in soups, sauces, pastas, pizzas, hot dogs, hamburgers, chowmein or on anything else to give it a delicious, spicy taste. Like all our sauces, we use only the highest quality ingredients and never any artificial colors or flavorings." (thank you )

Granted I'm not a person for spicy food, but reading that this is the condiment chef's are craving and seeing it pop up more and more in resturants and fridges makes me ponder randomly: Is Sirracha the new ranch dressing?

Eh, I think for now I'll stick to my stand by and keep putting ranch on everything.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

back in the day if people suffered migranes did they think they were being secertly assignated?

As I lay in bed today, trying not to fall to the brain destorying pain that was my first migrane in a while, this thought crossed what little part of my brain that was not on fire: if I was back in the 1500-1600s how would I react to this migrane?

First off, if I was a pesant, I'd probably think I was possesed or under an evil spell or curse.  If I was semi-noble (maybe like a lord's daughter) I'd probably come to the same conclusion or maybe it would mark me as "dainty" and "ladylike" because I was so "fragile" falling to an illness like this.

However, if I was royalty...then another thought comes to mind...

Maybe I was being attacked. Maybe my enemies had employed the local witch and is holding an effigy of my body over a flame? Or maybe they sneaked some exotic posion into my potted meat (yes I have read up on the time..potted meat..ew :S ) Or maybe if I was an extremely religious noble I would think that this was God's way of punishing or speaking to me.

Thank goodness I live in an age of modern medicine where I know it has to do with blood vessels and the like. And thank goodness my migrane didn't stop all of my random thoughts.

Monday, January 2, 2012

i wonder if guys back in the late 1800s really did show up to weddings hung over and looking like they got their ass kicked....

So I was sitting in a movie today, watching a scene where a guy is getting married after having a wild night out and thought: I wonder how many times scenes like this played out in the late 1800s-early 1900s.

Now granted, I do realize it was a movie and more than likely the groom in question did not have a friend who was causing all kinds of trouble in the gentleman's club but still, it had to happen sometime. Hell, I'm pretty sure it still happens today. The groom rolls out of bed five minutes before the cermony, barely time to dress much less fix the hair and try to handle the hang over. And yet the bride did nothing than give a bemused smirk to the best man who clearly caused this to happen. Would the people at the wedding party be shocked? Or would they just chalk it up to something that happens everytime there is a marriage in the middle or lower class? A "boys will be boys" type a thing, after all isn't the wedding about the bride, not the still slightly intoxicated man she is marrying?

Of course, my brain did not stay on this train of thought. It took off from wondering how many times this scenario played out to wondering what a person who saw the very first movie would think of how movies look and are made today.  It is almost a kind of role reversal; me pondering what happend in the past, the person from the past pondering (well probably not actually pondering, but me imagining he or she pondering) what would happen in the future.

Then I remembered I was supposed to be watching said movie; curse you radmon thought for making me miss five minutes of a pretty decent film!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Makeup- Protective Face gear for women

So as I was applying my make up this morning the random thought struck my mind: Makeup is like a face mask for women. Something that they "hide" behind or use to protective themselves. Not that I'm saying it's a crutch or an act of cowardice. No, if you think about it, most women wear make up to cover a weakness or use it as a buffer to ward off unfriendly blows, much like the face mask of a hockey player or baseball catcher or even a brace for a bad knee or ankle.

Now, before some one reads this and starts thinking I'm on a rant about how women should be strong and natural, remember this is a random thought. Just a way I notice that two things that aren't usually related kinda are. I mean who in his or her right mind would connect make up a woman wears every day to a hockey mask?

Yet as I added that last touch of eyeliner and a little gloss for shine, I can't help but notice that now that I have my make up one, I feel a little bit more impervious, a little bit stronger as if I hold the secert to how to be tougher or smarter. That I can outwit my enemy and save the day.

Then I laugh and realize, it's just make up and that was another random though.